
Direction: Luis Hitoshi Diaz
Production: Idealista Films, LUMEN CINE.
Format: Fiction. HD. 75 minutes


Gastón works a night shift at a service station. Her friends have no better idea than spend time there. Tonight a schoolmate who they have not seen for a long time, the girl Gaston liked when they were kids; joins the reunion.

director's bio

Luis Hitoshi Diaz

LUIS HITOSHI DIAZ directed and wrote two fiction feature films, TODAY (2008) and LEXTER (2015 premiered at MDQ Festival); and a documentary, HEROXS DEL 88, premiered at BAFICI 21. He is currently working on some new projects: BARBUDOS, a documentary of bohemian Buenos Aires, La Galeria del Este (with the support of the Cultural Patronage of the City of Buenos Aires) and #TECHO, a fiction feature film.
He is also writting a new feature film for Martín Jauregui, “La Pureza”, with whom he already worked as an assistant and co-writer on La Sequía (2019) and Afinadores (2020).